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Almindelig pris
2.240,00 kr
Almindelig pris
2.240,00 kr
Vægt1400 g
Pruning at height is now easier with the FELCO extension poles for FELCO electronic pruning shears. This is an essential accessory for pruning at heights in arboriculture, landscaping, forestry and maintaining parks and gardens. Two models in 1M / 3ft or 1.5M / 4ft lengths provide a choice of length to easily and safely prune at height with FELCO electronic pruning shears.
Fremstillet i Schweiz
Information om produktet
FELCO extension poles for FELCO electronic pruning shears make pruning at height easier and safer in any environment such as: arboriculture, landscaping, forestry and park and garden maintenance. 
UPC: 783929404516
Familie: accessories
Længde (netto): 1500 mm
Vægt (netto): 1,4 kg
Dybde (brutto): 6,3 mm
Vægt (brutto): 2,07 kg

880/100-150: Udskiftning af reservedele

    880/100-150: Vedligeholdelse